Integrated Psychiatry

Rebecca S. Valla MD spiritual psychiatryDr. Rebecca S. Valla is a Board Certified Psychiatrist with a holistic focus, integrating mindfulness with traditional psychiatry methods. The goal of this approach is to help the client discover his or her life purpose and attain a state of wholeness and self-love.

Through heart-work and soul-work, Dr. Valla’s unique approach to psychiatry helps to bring her clients into a state of alignment with their highest good.

Dr. Valla has been in full-time practice since 1990. She trained for 3 years through Yale University and 1 year through University of California, Irvine. She is committed to her own development, both personally and professionally, and the theme of integration permeates her work. She envisions herself helping others grow both spiritually and psychologically; and bridges traditional psychiatry (brain-based) with nontraditional (energy-based) understandings.

At the present time, Dr. Valla accepts most insurances (not Medicare or Medicaid).

To learn more about integrated psychiatry and the perspectives that inform Dr. Valla’s practice, visit the links above.

The most divine art is that of healing. And if the healing art is most divine, it must occupy itself with the soul as well as the body; for no creature can be sound so long as the higher part of it is suffering.